Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

The Liberal Mind and Justice

Just take the time to talk to the offender.  He can be reasoned with and thus persuaded to take leave of
his misdeeds and join the company of good citizenry. 

That is the essence of the philosophy behind prison sentences as the punishment in lieu of a good public whipping.

Oh, but what folly!  We punish for one primary reason.  Justice. A crime merits punishment.  The benefit of reform is secondary. 

Indeed, the recipient and the public are benefited by the reformation of the solitary soul who goes out to rejoin society, but the goal of punishment is first justice and secondarily reformation.  

The public whipping serves not only justice and an deterrent example for the audience.  Indeed, it is remedial for the errant soul.  It drives the wicked to reconsider his mindset and his actions and consider what is right and worthy of the wrath of Justice.

The bottom line lost to the modern liberal mind, is that mankind is by nature – post-fall – WICKED, not noble.

He bears, indeed, the image of God, but one much tarnished by the sin which has tarnished – indeed saturated – his soul.

Taking stock of this basic principle of anthropology will lead to a better world.  Law (His Law) and order is the foundation for a just and pleasant society. 

29 Aug., 2022

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