Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

On Dope and Sex

No, this will not be an anti-dope polemic, but it will argue for perspective and the proper judgment in the matters.

I think of years of visiting men in prison, most of which occasions for incarceration had to do with dope.  Buying and selling and using dope has landed lot of folks in jail.  And I think of right and wrong and that which offends the Law-giver the most and – if we may consider it – “the least.”  (Yes, some sins are greater than others, though all result in disqualification from perfection.)

In the divine perspective, the imbibition or inhalation of dope is nothing compared to un-Lawful sexual liaisons.

It is important to get this straight, if we are to convey sound values for human beings and their mutual associations.

“Flee fornication!” commands the Apostle.  “Don’t do it!” he warns his attentive disciples.  And that is the word, the message for all who want to “walk right” – yes to live properly, well, honorably, healthily, happily, and (truly) freely.

Yeah, dope (especially in excess) is not a good thing.  But illicit sex is many-times worse.

13 May, 2021

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