Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Morning Meditation

“Damn these Pro-abort, Baby-killing Bastards!”
That is about as civil as it gets.
Can’t say it any kinder. 

Simple, direct questions:
1. What is the proper penalty for those who murder babies? 
2. What is justice for those who advocate or even tolerate baby butchery?
3. How is it that we go on and on and on for nigh on FIVE DECADES of just
           TOLERATING this holocaust? 
4. Where are terminations (of abortionists)? The destruction (of

One wonders at the apathy, the indifference, the compromise, the sins of

How is it that we still ignore or look down upon those who have taken action to rescue the innocents?

When judgment comes upon the land, may Abortion Free Zones be free from destruction.

9 Dec., 2020

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