Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

November, 2022

The Devil’s Hold on the Murderer

Many-a murderer does not want to face his murder, call it what it is, and get forgiveness.   Too much guilt.  Too heavy, especially for one who knows not the far-reaching coverage of the blood of Jesus.   It was an accident, says he, or not his fault or the victim deserved it (and vindication is due […]

The Unity of Muslims and Jews

Muslims and Jews have unity in Christlessness Sharing that common ground in darkness! Unite, then, now, as you’ll be together Forever in the place down under. Might as well get used to that company That you will share together below Since that Savior you refused to know. Oh, but don’t trust in the bonds of […]

What Matters

What you think, What I think, What you feel, What I feel Really doesn’t matter. What matters is The FACT Of the resurrection Of Jesus. 15 November, 2022

Practical Executions?

Of course!  Generally assuming the ability and resources were there to properly carry out justice, one must consider what would be right to do in a case where the means are not available to carry out ideal justice!  The comment offered by George, Lord Halifax, which I cite from the Harper Book of Quotations, says: […]

Justice Will Come for All!

One of the great social blessings of Christianity is relief from the sense of – the enduring awareness of – the judicial obligation to punish an evil-doer.  That duty belongs to and will be carried out by  – a most holy God.  We know that, should a person escape justice in this life, he will […]

Pain is Comin’!

Pain is comin’! Believe that for real; Gonna be worse than that election steal! All those sins put out on display And you’ll have nothin’ to say. “Guilty as charged!” you’ll have to agree And get cast into that endless sea Where all are left to drown in guilt, Unwashed by the blood for you […]

Receive That Child!

Call her niggard, call her a churl.Call her a selfish girl!But who abandoned herAnd left her aloneTo care for the one in her womb?Where was the punk who jumpedThe ship and left her to fend for herself?What kind of chump would leave her aloneTo carry that child without a home?Let punky boys grow upYeah, let […]

Vote!  Or . . .

Vote with your hands, feet, gas, and matches; It’s the fast way to save those babies; Most effective and refreshing too. It shows there’s a way to get ‘er done When others want to sit on their thumbs. Take a load off your mind and get out o’ that bind. You don’t need to just […]

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