Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Political Ministry of the Churches of God

The Heart of America

Pro-life Americans are the heart of America. Maybe you think them to be extreme:Indeed, as the heart like a streamPumping constantly without rest!Yeah, there is extremity in truth;It rejects falsehood and evil.Sorry, it is not tolerant of perversion.But thanks be to God for truthAnd for sending the Truth to us to dieFor our disgusting, baby-killing, […]

No, Tim Tebow 

Jesus did not “treat everyone with love and respect.” Remember that Temple event?  (When He tore it up?)   Remember His words to the Pharisees?  (They weren’t pretty.) Did he respect those who were running that place?  Did he politely comply with their blasphemy?  Did He accommodate their idolatry? How do you think we overcame the […]

Buck Up!  No Regrets!

Slaves needed liberty;Babies need air to breathe.Always challenges in a fallen worldWhere evil is nastily unfurled.Plenty of asses to be kicked,But no butts to be licked.Stand for the Truth – straight up;Might someone’s peace disrupt.(“Tough shit!” as some might say.Sometimes there’s no other way.)Action was needed for all;Takes, sometimes, some nasty gall.Deny the greedy to […]

Re-presentation of the Sin of Omission

We call it “tolerance.”  If our calling as Christians includes the doing good as well as the action of restraint from doing evil – i.e. “positive” as well as “negative” commands –  we may well sin when we fail to oppose evil. To tolerate evil is a sin just as it is a sin to […]

“Freedom of Religion”?

There surely is a moral evolution (or devolution) Of a people as they abide by or abandon The Law of God. Nations rise and fall sometimes by their brutality or passivity, But more rightfully by the moral behavior of the people Reflected in the standards that they maintain. Sadly, in the name of Freedom of […]

Freedom and Wisdom

“Freedom!” fools used to say. “If you don’t want a slave, Don’t have one! We can do what we want!Don’t tell us what to do!”So said those poor foolsWho supported the rightTo capture another personAnd compel him to serveAs a slave of another human.“We have the rightTo have our own slaves!”And so say those who […]


Screw SCOTUS: Tyrants in robes Who scorn the Law of God! They splattered the land With the blood of Roe Undoing the laws of the land!How do the people bowTo tyrants like a yoked cow?The Law was given by GodTo Moses and the prophets;There is no other standard.NO COURT overrules the Law of God.For peace […]

A People “Under God”!

The nation belongs “under God.” So when it is obscured by the fog And its glory is sullied and paled, Its righteous ones scorned and jailed, Ours is to call it back to its origin: A people “indivisible” and “under God”!Maintain the truth for the next generation;You have children inheriting your nation.What will it be […]

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