Michael Bray

Author of A Time To Kill

Honorable Guest Expostulators

America’s Worst President

20 December 2016 Terence J. Hughes, Professor Emeritus, University of Maine 404 North Sixth Street, Fort Pierre, South Dakota In one month from today, on 20 January 2017, Donald Trump is in and Barack Obama is out as President of the United States. Books will be written for a century and more assessing the Obama […]

Democrats, Darwin, Death, and the Devil

Terry Hughes 24 Oct., 2016 What do Democrats have to do with Darwin, Death, and the Devil? I refer to Darwinists who control the Democrat Party, not ordinary Democrats. To understand, please bear with me and read on. America has two de facto Catholic Churches, a Roman Catholic Church loyal to the Bishop of Rome […]

The Democrat Party owns the American Catholic Church

Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change, University of Maine 404 North Sixth Street, Fort Pierre, South Dakota 57532, Phone: 605-223-2286 In a  letter to some friends, Dr. Hughes introduces his essay to one, “Irma” as follows:          As most of you know, the Roman Catholic Church in America has been largely taken over […]

Hughes on Hillary’s America

Hillary’s America: The secret history of the Democratic Party Dinesh D’Souza, Regnery Publishing, 2016 (ISBN 978-1-62157-347-0) Reviewed by Terence J. Hughes, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change, University of Maine, 404 North Sixth Street, Fort Pierre, South Dakota 57532, USA. From slavery to enslavement is the theme of this book. Dinesh D’Souza is […]

The Kermit Gosnell Protection Act of 2016

Terence J. Hughes Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change 17 July, 2016 The Kermit Gosnell Protection Act, masquerading as Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, is the latest usurpation of legislative authority by the United States Supreme Court. John Hellerstedt, M.D., is Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services. He has specialized […]

Darwinism: The Established State Religion in America

Terence J. Hughes Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change, University of Maine 16 August 2015 “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America). Three questions come immediately to mind. First: Why did our Founding […]

Five-Hundred-Year Crises in Christendom

Terence J. Hughes, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change Climate Change Institute and School of Earth and Climate Sciences University of Maine Now that we have a Jesuit Pope, I’m reading Malachi Martin’s book, The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church. Much of what Martin reports […]

LifeSiteNews – A Letter from Terry Hughes

24 July, 2015  Dear LifeSiteNews:  In its recent Obamacare and homosexual “marriage” rulings, which promote abortion and sodomy, both of which prevent the next generation of Americans from being born, the Injustices on the Supreme Court have enshrined Darwinism as the State Religion of The United States of America, thereby violating the First Amendment to […]

Why Does Dante Consider Sodomy Worse Than Homicide & Suicide?

New Oxford Review September 2004 Anne Barbeau Gardiner Anne Barbeau Gardiner is Professor Emerita of English at John Jay College of the City University of New York. Dante’s Divine Comedy, the most sublime religious poem the Christian West has produced in two thousand years, provides us to this day with profound insights into human nature. […]

Global Warming Is Good

Terence J. Hughes Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change School of Earth and Climate Sciences, Climate Change Institute University of Maine 14 October 2014 For some years now, some of my glaciological colleagues (Bob Thomas whom I brought to the University of Maine for a few years before he went to NASA), Jay […]

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